How does it work?

Install the Android Tablet, Android Computer or Android TV box.
Watch the videos and documents below for both installation and use.

Install PraxCloud

User manual

Download the user manual for PraxFit, PraxSpin, and Praxfilm here, and watch the video for more information on how to use Praxcloud!

System requirements PraxCloud Online (Streaming) option:

  1. Internet speed: at least 20 Mb/s;
  2. Wifi is good and stable. In the event of a bad connection (connection problems), the first option is to try a wired network;
  3. Android 7.1 or above on Tablet, Android mini PC or Android TV box;
  4. Quad-core Cortex-A53 up to 1.5GHz or beter;
  5. Onboard DDR3L 2GB Memory or more;
  6. Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (BLE) variant or hoger;

For connection to Smart TV, also with Android platform, we have chosen to supply an Android TV box as standard. System requirements 3 to 6 are then automatically met.
The use of firewalls falls outside our responsibility.